Replacement of worm screws with cart for a TEHA cylinder
Replacement of worm screws with cart for a TEHA cylinder
Your carriage has broken and is no longer securing the jack to the gate bracket, and you need to replace it. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this tutorial.
Remove the 4 protective rubbers and unscrew the 4 BTR screws to remove the front panel.
Step 2: Remove the front panel
Remove the front panel.
Step 3: Remove the worm screws
The worm screws can be accessed.
Pull it out of the cylinder.
Don’t lose this link between the worm screws and the engine’s mechanical reduction system. It may end up on the worm screws or remain on the motor shaft.
Remember to replace this element on the new worm screws before the next step.
Step 4: Installing bearings
Check that both bearings are correctly positioned on the worm screws
Step 5: Insert the new worm screws
Insert the new worm screws into the cylinder and push it up to the motor.
Step 6: Fit the worm screws into the motor
The worm screws bearing must fit into the motor mount so that the link on the worm screws integrates the motor shaft.
Lightly push the worm screws and check that the bearing fits properly.
If the bearing does not retract, this means that the motor shaft is not in the same position as the worm screws.
Turn the worm screws slightly while pushing it inwards.
Before reinstalling the front panel, power the motor with a 9V or 12V battery, and check that the carriage runs smoothly when opening and closing.
Step 7: Replace the front panel
Replace the front of the cylinder. Remember to place the notch towards the cart’s circulation hole on the worm screws.
Tighten the screws and replace the rubber covers.
Congratulations, you’ve replaced your worm screws cylinder carriage and it’s ready to operate your gate leaves again.