The board does not start up electrically, nor does it switch on its green or red LEDs when powered up or when waking from standby by pressing one of its buttons.
The electronic board does not respond when a remote control button is pressed or a code is entered on the wireless keypad.
First of all, check that the remote control is working properly (indicator lights up when a button is pressed, battery replaced, etc.).
We recommend you carry out the tests using several remote controls, in order to avoid a technical problem on a single remote control.
If radio range is lost :
If the card reacts when it is off standby (LED L0 on) but does not react when it is on standby (LED L0 off) :
Your actuator trips without a given command, or starts a cycle or stops during a cycle without an error code.
The map does not take into account your passage in front of the photocells:
The card takes into account your passage through photocells, but only at the beginning and end of the closing cycle:
When the card encounters an error, either during a self-learning phase or during an operating cycle, it will stop the current cycle and display one or more red LEDs.
It’s important to note this error code so you can understand what’s happening.
Self-learning and the operating cycle (command given by remote control or dry contact) have similar error codes (same LED lighting up), but with different meanings.
Pay attention to the operation the card performs when the error occurs, to know which precise code to refer to.
To learn more about self-learning, check out this tutorial.
This error code indicates that the board has not seen any current drawn by the electric motor.
This error code indicates that the board did not detect the electric motor blocking when the gate reached the stop during the self-learning opening phase.
This error code indicates that the board did not see the electric motor block when the gate reached the stop during the closing phase self-learning.
This error code indicates that the card thinks the gate has reached its opening stop in less than 3s, whereas the gate has started from its closed position.
This error code indicates that the board thinks that the gate has reached its closing stop in less than 3s, whereas the gate has started from its open position.
This error code appears when the board considers that the electric motor has not made the same number of revolutions between opening and closing.
This error code indicates that you have cancelled self-learning by pressing the SET key once. This is an information code.
This may be an error code indicating an electrical reboot of the board.
If you did not request a cancellation by pressing the SET key, and this error code appears as soon as the self-learning program is started, you will need to diagnose the power supply.
This error code appears when the card’s emergency stop circuit has been opened. This error code often occurs when the unit is switched on for the first time.
This error code indicates a short-circuit on the card’s +12V output.
NOTE: If you disconnect the photocells, remember to perform an electrical reboot of the board. |
This error code has nothing to do with detection by photocells.
This error code indicates that the card has detected excessive current consumption with prolonged gate slowdown or motor stoppage before the end-of-cycle stop in opening.
This code indicates that photocells has detected an obstacle during a closing cycle.
If you have not noticed any obstruction during a closing cycle :
If you don’t have a photocells:
This error code is the result of a photocell self-test (see Appendix 5). The receiver photocell did not open its relay during the test.
This error code is the result of a photocell self-test (see Appendix 5).
This error code is normal if you do not have photocells connected to the board.
This error code indicates that the card has never seen the receiver photocell relay closed.
It is important to check when this error code appears.
This error code is a self-test result photocells (see Appendix 5).
This error code indicates that a self-learning procedure must be carried out.
A self-learning procedure must be carried out the first time the device is switched on, after a card reset or after a change in settings (Force, Speed and Acceleration).
Follow this tutorial to carry out a self-learning procedure.
This error code has nothing to do with detection by photocells.
Error code indicates that the card has detected excessive current consumption with prolonged gate slowdown or motor stop before the end-of-closing-cycle stop.
This error code has nothing to do with detection by the photocells.
Error code indicates that the card has repeatedly and consecutively detected excessive current consumption with prolonged slowing down of the gate or stopping of the motor before the end-of-cycle stop.
See errors L3 and 5 or L1 and 5 for correction.
This error code indicates that a wired control device connected to the board has its contact permanently closed.
These error codes indicate a voltage too low to operate the board.
If you have a backup battery connected:
If you don’t have a backup battery connected :
One of the errors that regularly occurs without the card necessarily indicating a code is the following:
When the gate reaches a stop (opening or closing), the motor wheel does not stop and continues to turn.
This happens when the rack rail is slightly too high, or when the gate is light or poorly stabilized.
When the gate reaches its limit stop, it may tend to rise slightly, dragging the rack rail with it. In this way, the motor wheel doesn’t get stuck in the rail, and the card can’t indicate the end of travel.
The Hall effect card is a component located at the top of the electric motor. Its function is to detect the magnetic field emitted by the magnet as it rotates and convert it into an electrical signal for the electronic board.
For the ZENIA 250, this card is located in a hatch closed by two screws.
Opposite is a representation of the Hall effect card and the wiring circuit board.
When checking, especially when starting up for the first time, remove each cable one by one from the terminal input, unscrew the terminal retaining screw as far as it will go, reinsert the wire and tighten as far as it will go.
The magnet is directly connected to the electric motor shaft. It rotates at the same time as the motor, and emits a magnetic field which indicates to the electronic board, via the Hall effect card, that the motor is rotating, and how many revolutions it makes during an operating cycle.
The system performs a self-test of photocells
(connected to “PHO”) at several points:
This test is performed in 3 stages: