List of compatible engines :
To find out the difference between V1 and V2, refer to the motorization’s serial number.
Any number with a value below 2300314 is in V1.
To find out where to find the serial number, please refer to this tutorial.
List of compatible engines :
To find out the difference between V1 and V2, refer to the motorization’s serial number.
Any number with a value greater than or equal to 2300314 is in V2.
To find out where to find the serial number, please refer to this tutorial.
List of compatible engines :
To find out the difference between V1 and V2, refer to the motorization’s serial number.
Any number with a value below 2300266 is in V1.
To find out where to find the serial number, please refer to this tutorial
List of compatible engines :
To find out the difference between V1 and V2, refer to the motorization’s serial number.
Any number with a value greater than or equal to 2300266 is in V2.
To find out where to find the serial number, please refer to this tutorial
For the electronic boards listed below, in the event of a fault, it will be necessary to replace the entire motorization.
For boards that have permanently broken down, it is possible to keep and reuse the accessories (photocells, remote controls, keypads, etc.) with the new motorizations (except for the flashing light).
For very old electronic boards, there is no longer any compatibility.
This 12V card is not compatible with the current radio protocol.
If you wish to replace this card, you will also need to replace the remote controls.
To find out which model to replace this card with :
The current remote controls are part numbers 114253 and 114258.