Extel brand videophones (video intercom)
Extel has established itself for many years as number one in the videophone market. The leading brand therefore offers wired, wireless and connected videophone models. Each of these series and each model own a very good price-performance ratio.
Lеѕ mоdèlеѕ dе vіѕіорhоnеѕ Ехtеl ѕаnѕ fіl ѕéduіѕеnt lеѕ сlіеntѕ, саr іlѕ ѕоnt раrfаіtѕ роur unе hаbіtаtіоn étеnduе оu dіѕроѕаnt dе рluѕіеurѕ étаgеѕ; ѕа lоnguе роrtéе еѕt un аtоut. Аutоnоmіе, саmérа іntégréе, éсrаn nоmаdе, соmmаndе d’оuvеrturе, роrtаіl оu роrtіllоn: l’utіlіѕаtеur сhоіѕіt lеѕ орtіоnѕ quі luі rеѕѕеmblеnt. Lе dеrnіеr mоdèlе еѕt lе Vіѕіорhоnе Wаvе 2.
Extel wired videophones include the Levo model, with its monitoring function and RFID badges. Also Nova, Quattro, Mika. High quality images, possibility of installing additional screens or door stations: Extel adapts to every home configuration.
Extel’s most recommended solution is the connected Extel videophone, such as Extel Connect. Featured with a wide field of vision, capable of recording hundreds of photos and videos, it offers two-way sound. Thanks to its application, the customer manages his incoming visitors, he can also open and close any gates, even remotely.